I had a dental bridge across my front teeth and the canine teeth were the “anchor” teeth. The anchor teeth came loose. I’d been going to Comfort Dental and went back to them. They extracted the loose canines and provided me with a partial denture to replace all the teeth. I am finding that I hate the partial. It is very uncomfortable. I went back and they’re suggesting using mini implants for the partial and said it would last about ten years.
I decided to get a second opinion with a private dentist. He has suggested something completely different. He wants to do a dental bridge anchored to three full sized dental implants. Two at the canines and a third at the in the center area between the two. This is more expensive than what Comfort Dental is suggesting.
Normally, I would go with the less expensive option right away. However, I haven’t had the best experience with them so I am concerned. Do you have any insight on these two options?
Dear Avery,
I’m glad you wrote. I would not expect the mini-implants to last very long. Ten years is really pushing it. These are much less able to handle the stress on them than full-sized implants can. You can get an idea of their difference in the image above.
You’ve brought up a good point that cheap dentistry rarely equates to affordable dentistry. If Comfort Dental would have done this right to begin with, you would not be in this situation.
The way they placed your bridge caused a lot of stress unnecessary stress on your anchor teeth. Your biting forces would put a lot twisting forces on your canine teeth so I am not surprised they came loose. Using them as the anchor teeth was not a great idea without other precautions being taken. I’m guessing that bridge did not last long.
What the private dentist is suggesting is a much better idea. Not only are the full-sized dental implants much more stable for your bridge, but placing that additional implant in the center is further stabilizes things and will completely eliminate the twisting forces. This will protect your new anchor teeth.
If you’re asking my opinion, I would go with the full implants. It will save you a lot of grief in the future.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentists Drs. Drake and Wallace.