My husband is in the middle of the all-on-4 dental implant procedure. I have horrible metal and chemical sensitivities. I’m pretty sure I am having a reaction to his dental implants. Right now, he only has the temporary acrylic ones and titanium posts. Here’s the thing, I can smell rubber on his breath. It’s awful. I can barely sleep with him at this point. I spoke to the oral surgeon and he said titanium is really the only option for him. However, I have the feeling that he’s one of those doctors who only checks off boxes and never even considers alternatives. Do you have any suggestions? I’m thinking he should switch out the implants for zirconia.
Dear Karen,
I would be very surprised if it were his titanium implants that you were smelling. They are very inert. It is possible that you are smelling the acrylic. I would ask the dentist if you can smell them to see if that matches the smell you are being plagued with. I don’t think that will be it either, but I cannot think of any other material currently in his mouth that would give off a smell.
The most likely scenario is that he’s having trouble getting everything cleaned out when he brushes his teeth. If food and other bacteria are getting trapped, it will leave a strong smell, though I have never heard it described like rubber before. If that is the case, something like a Waterpik could help get the debris out from those tricky crevices.
While it may be true that your particular oral surgeon is a “standard” only kind of doctor, I don’t think you’ll want your husband to switch dental implants at this point. it would mean a lot of unnecessary surgery for him. First, they would have to remove his current dental implants, then he would need to have some bone grafting done, which requires a period of healing. After the bone grafting is done, then he would have to have another implant surgery to place the zirconia implants. That is a lot of surgery and a lot of risks that will very likely produce the same results he has with the titanium implants. While zirconia is metal-free, it actually has the same allergy/sensitivity risk as titanium because of how biocompatible they both are.
I would stick with what he has and see if the Waterpik helps.
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