I have a problem but am not certain if I can trust my dentist at this point. I needed a tooth extraction. I was nervous about it to begin with. It took over fourteen shots for him to get me numb. How can someone miss the spot so many times? Now, it’s been several days since the procedure and this sharp ridge has shown up around the area. It is very uncomfortable to eat or drink in that area. Did he mess something up?
Dear MaryEllis,
I am sorry you had such an awful appointment. That kind of experience can cause you to be nervous to see any dentist, not just the one who gave you the bad experience. Let’s start with that. I don’t think that he missed the spot continually. Instead, he probably is unaware of the connection between anxiety and numbing medication. If you are anxious going into an appointment, it can have the effect of causing your numbing medication to be ineffective. Then, when it didn’t work, your body’s anxiety amped up making it harder and harder every time to get numb.
The good news is there is a solution. Relaxing you before your appointment will bring down your anxiety and allow your numbing medication to work. Look for a dentist who offers something like nitrous oxide. Sometimes, they will advertise themselves on the internet as a “cater to cowards” dentist. It doesn’t mean you are a coward. It is a way to signal that they know how to take away your anxiety.
As to the bony ridge. This is quite common and part of the healing process. Whenever a tooth is removed, the extraction site will have a sharp edge to it. The swelling that occurs immediately after your extraction tends to hide the ridge. As the swelling recedes, this is what shows up. If it remains a problem, your dentist can either clip it or smooth it out.
I know you’ve lost some confidence in him, but in this case I’d say let him help.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentists Dr. Drake and Wallace.