I’m not sure what type of dentist I should go to. I have a toothache that comes and goes. It’s mostly on my gums by the tooth and it only happens periodically. When it does flare up there is terrible pressure on my nose and eye. So, do I need an ENT, a regular dentist, a root canal doctor, or someone completely different?
Dear Janet,
Based on what you are describing I think the best dentist would be for you to see your normal family dentist. It sounds like the pulp of the tooth is struggling and possibly dying. You may have had trauma to the tooth that caused this or there can be some other issue. What you don’t want it to do is rear up into a nasty infection, which can happen quickly. You’ll need some diagnostics done to verify what is going on. For instance, if there is trauma that has damaged the pulp you will need a root canal treatment, but what if the trauma fractured the tooth? These diagnostics will be important.
If you don’t have a regular dentist you see, there are dentists who will see non-established patients in the case of a dental emergency. A toothache is generally considered an emergent situation.
The eye and nose pain you described is fairly normal. If you’re dealing with an eye tooth, the pain shoots up. Or, it is possible you have long tooth roots that are close to your sinus cavity. Any flareup with your teeth will cause some discomfort in the sinuses in that case. You may also notice if you have a sinus infection that you have pressure on your teeth, but it will be different from what you are describing.
Even if your tooth does need a root canal treatment, your general dentist can handle that more affordably for you than a specialist. Though, if it is complicated, he or she may recommend a specialist. The first order of business, though is just to get this checked out.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentists Drs. Drake and Wallace.