I’m caring for a relative who had an accident which left them with severe cognitive issues. I’m noticing their teeth are in horrible shape and they likely need dentures. He doesn’t have any type of dental insurance so we have to do this out of pocket. Are there any ways to get more affordable dentures?
Les W.
Dear Les,
When it comes to replacing teeth, dentures are about as inexpensive as it gets. There aren’t really any secrets to making them more affordable. However, that doesn’t mean you are totally without any “tricks”.
First things first, though, whichever dentist you choose will need to have experience treating patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Your relative isn’t the typical patient and it will make their appointment easier to deal with if the dentist has worked with these type of patients before.
Helping Pay for Dentures
Once you’ve found some experienced dentists, here are some things you can look into.
The first thing I’d do is price shop. There may be a dentist or two who has slightly lower fees. There won’t be a tremendous difference in price, but every penny helps. One caveat. If you do run into a dentist who is significantly lower than everyone else, beware. That is usually a bad sign and they are likely trying to draw in new patients all the time with their prices because they can’t retain patients.
Another thing you can do is see about a dental insurance plan. These can significantly cut the cost of treatment. Be careful to check for two types of exclusions, though.
1. Some plans have a waiting period before the discounts take into effect for anything except checkups.
2. Some have an exclusion for teeth missing before the policy, so they wouldn’t cover his dentures if he’s already missing some teeth.
Thirdly, you can ask the dentist if they take payments. Some dentists who advertise as affordable dentists have in-house payment plans. Others will work with a program called Care Credit.
Because of your relative’s unique situation, you may want to look into a dentist who also uses dental sedation. This will be another way of helping ease the appointment for them, especially if there are a lot of extractions which are necessary.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur Dentists Drs. Drake and Wallace.