I have porcelain veneers on my four front teeth. They are still white, but my natural teeth have started to yellow. Now it looks like I have two different sets of teeth. Am I able to whiten my teeth to match my veneers again? Would that damage the porcelain veneers or would they be okay? I was thinking of using something like an over the counter whitening.
Dear Martha,
I am glad you like your porcelain veneers. If you are going to use an over-the-counter whitening, I would only recommend Crest Whitestrips. With most other type of the over-the-whitening whitening options, you risk damaging the veneers because they contain abrasives. Crest Whitestrips do not. They use a legitimate teeth whitening product that is safe for both your teeth and your porcelain veneers.
They do have two distinct disadvantages, though, that may make this difficult for you. First, the whitening will be weak. It will work, but it will take a LOT of boxes to get them to match your teeth, which will cost a small fortune, depending on how many boxes you will need. Second, the strips only cover the first six teeth. Four of those are porcelain veneers, so only two of your teeth are getting any whitening effect. You could use two strips, one on each side of the front teeth, but again that means more white strips.
I honestly think the best option for you is to see your dentist and do teeth whitening professionally. Your bleaching will get done much faster. Plus, your dentist will be able to make custom fit trays that can even be made to go completely around the porcelain veneers. This isn’t completely necessary because it would not damage the veneers, but it will be even more effective because the bleaching will be focused on your natural teeth.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentists Drs. Drake and Wallace.