I am about to get a dental crown for my lateral incisors. However, I would like to touch them up before deciding on the final color for my crown. My dentist couldn’t answer my questions, so I am hoping you can. I want to get this party going.
Here are my questions:
I used Opalenscence PF at 20% strength using trays.
1. How long should I touch-up (for example, 1 week, 2 weeks)?
2. How many hours each day (1 hr., 2 hours, or 3 hours)?
3. Is it necessary to stop whitening a certain length of time before the appointment (not necessary, 1 week, 2 weeks)?
Dear Miranda,

Professional Teeth Whitening Trays
I am glad you wrote. I will answer your question but will admit that I am a bit concerned your dentist was not able to answer this for you. Teeth whitening is the simplest of all the cosmetic procedures. If he cannot advise you on that, then how will he create a beautiful crown for you on a tooth that is visible? My suggestion before you move forward with this is that you have him show you some before and after images of crowns he’s done on the front teeth so you can get an idea if he can truly match the adjacent teeth.
Touching Up with Teeth Whitening
There are no real specifics, except for your last question. However, there is a general principle. The longer you leave the whitening trays on the faster they will whiten. Most people get the fastest result by wearing the trays overnight. One thing to be aware of is that you will want to wait about a week from the termination of the teeth whitening before you decide on the final color. This is because the teeth will continue to whiten for 7 or so days. Sometimes up to two weeks.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentists Drs. Drake and Wallace.