I need to get dentures because I’m losing all my teeth. I’m trying to figure out if implant dentures are the same thing as dental implants. My dentist keeps suggesting dental implants, but the price is pretty hefty. He told me the implants are $3400 per tooth. I can’t pull that off. I read about implant dentures. Are they more reasonably priced? Are they similar to the regular dental implants? My dentist is quite worried about me getting dentures because of my age. Apparently, being 50 is a downside to dentures.
Dear Sandy,
It is most likely your dentist was referring the to implant-supported dentures when he was suggesting you get dental implants. Getting a dental implant for every missing tooth would be much too costly for all but the most wealthy.
With implant overdentures, you will have between four to six dental implants placed per arch. Then, when the bone has had time to integrate with the implants it will be time for your dentist to anchor the dentures to them. Your dentures will be completely secure.
Why Dentures are a Bad Idea for You
There is a real reason why your dentist was pushing you toward dental implants, instead of completely removable dentures. It wasn’t because they make him more money. When your teeth are removed, your brain recognizes that. Our body is remarkably efficient and works to use each resource it has where it is most needed.
Once it recognizes your teeth are gone, it decides the minerals in your jawbone would be much more useful elsewhere. As a result, it begins to resorb those minerals and redistribute them. This has the unfortunate effect of slowly shrinking your jawbone. You mentioned you were only 50 years old. In only about ten years, your jawbone could be shrunk enough to where the dentures begin to slip out. A few more years and you won’t be able to keep them in at all, essentially making you a denture cripple. This is known as facial collapse.
By getting dental implants placed to anchor your dentures, it signals to your brain that you still have your teeth. It will preserve your jawbone in order to keep those teeth roots anchored.
I hope this helps.
This blog is brought to you by Decatur, AL Dentists Drs. Drake and Wallace.