My husband has avoided the dentist for years. I finally talked him into going back because he mentioned some of his teeth were getting loose. When he went, the dentist told him his teeth can’t be saved and suggested he get them extracted and get dental implants or dentures. When he saw the price tag on the dental implants option he decided to get the dentures. He said if it was good enough for his father, it’s good enough for him. I can’t stand the idea. Please tell me a convincing reason for him NOT to get dentures.
Dear Becky,
You didn’t mention how old your husband is, but if he’s anywhere near middle-aged (or younger), there’s a very good reason for him not to get dentures. Additionally, though, there’s a good reason for him to get a second opinion.
If he has teeth coming loose, then it’s highly likely he has advanced gum disease. With aggressive treatment, there’s a real chance his teeth can be saved. That’s the first thing I’d do. Even if only some of them can be saved, it’s worth the effort.
The Dangerous Downside of Dentures
I placed an image of dentures at the top of this post. Upper dentures are held in by suction. Lower dentures just sit on the ridge of your jawbone. No matter how well they’re made your dentures are, you’d lose 50% of your chewing capacity. Plus, food almost inevitably gets caught underneath the dentures. Sadly, that’s not the worst of it.
The results of facial collapse
When your teeth are removed, your body begins to reabsorb the minerals in your jawbone. It does that to be efficient. Recognizing you no longer have teeth which need support, it redistributes the minerals to use elsewhere. Unfortunately, that causes your jaw to shrink. This is known as facial collapse. After between 10-20 years, depending on how fast his body does it, there’s not enough jawbone left to support a denture. Making you a dental cripple, no longer able to eat solid food.
Alternative to Dentures
Dental implants are a good alternative because they prevent facial collapse. The titanium implants are recognized by your body as the roots of teeth. Because of that, it leaves your jawbone in place.
There affordable ways to work a mixture of dentures and dental implants. That would be a great option for your husband. However, I’m serious about you first getting that second opinion.
This blog is brought to you by Drs. Drake and Wallace.